Creating an Abundantly Healthy Life for YOU!!

Paradise Wellness is on a mission to get Puerto Rico healthier and more abundant. We are going to do it through various projects and programs....stay tuned!!

Friday 19 March 2010

Ecoqui - Eco Home on Wheels in Puerto Rico

Diseñada por El Taller de Diseño Sustentable de la Escuela de Arquitectura de la UPR dirigido por el reconocido
Arquitecto Fernando Abruña

El Taller de Diseño Sustentable de la Universidad

de Puerto Rico desarrolla "Eco-quí".

Ese es el proyecto que tienen entre manos los estudiantes del Taller de Diseño Sustentable de la Escuela de Arquitectura de la Universidad de Puerto Rico, bajo la dirección del Dr. Fernando Abruña. Los estudiantes han bautizado este proyecto con el nombre "Eco-quí", con el propósito de identificarla como una casa especialmente diseñada para Puerto Rico, mientras busca mantener costos de construcción que sean accesibles para la población en general. Al mismo tiempo, el proyecto pretende introducir el concepto de vivienda sustentable a personas que no estén familiarizadas con esta nueva óptica de atender las necesidades de vivienda, sin afectar negativamente el entorno.

La distribución de la casa, aunque de dimensiones limitadas, acomodan instalaciones de baño, cocina, sala-comedor y dormitorio. También, el proyecto propone independencia de los servicios de infraestructura puesto que posee un sistema fotovoltaico que generará electricidad con la energía del sol y un inodoro de composta que no utiliza agua ni requiere conexión a un sistema sanitario. El techo ha sido diseñado con el fin de poder cosechar las aguas de lluvia y alimentar las necesidades del baño y la cocina.

En una etapa posterior, los estudiantes y el arquitecto Abruña proyectan desarrollar una microempresa capaz de producir las micro eco casas para la venta, al público en general.

Este proyecto pionero en Puerto Rico no sólo atiende el tema de la sustentabilidad sino que además puede suplir las necesidades de vivienda en caso de desastres naturales que con relativa frecuencia afectan nuestra isla.


Lincoln would turn over in his grave!

One tasty cause

Milk chocolate is called a "comfort food" for good reason.
This so-called snack is more than just psychologically
addictive. Regular users of milk chocolate become addicts
and slaves to a naturally occurring milk opiate that is
similar to morphine.

This is a part of Mother Nature's infinitely wonderous plan,
to make nursing more than pleasurable. Casomorphin is
addictive. That's why weaning is so difficult for any
species of mammal. Man's folly is his ability to concentate
milk products into so-called comfort foods and further
create addicts to that naturally occurring milk opiate.

What follows is the most distressing and morally offensive
story that I have ever witnessed.

M & M's once melted in people's mouths not in their hands.
After reading today's column, those same M & M's will melt
and fuse the most disturbing image into your soul.

I grew up in New York City in the 1950s, and like any child
loved candy, particularly chocolate.

In the late 50s, it was safe enough for a third grade
student to walk from P.S. 78 in the Bronx to a Boston Road
pizzeria, where a slice was just 15 cents and the soda a
dime. I would have plenty left over from the dollar bill
given to me by my mother to enjoy a pocket filled with
chocolate treats from the corner candy store.

My favorite candy was contained within a large glass jar.
These miniature models of little chocolate babies were
addictive! I did not know until recently that a naturally
occurring opiate, a morphine-like substance in milk,
casomorphin, would be the source of my insatiable love for
chocolate. I just knew what I liked. Casomorphin has been
identified as a factor in attention deficit disorder and

What made these treats special was how lifelike they looked.
Each piece was a tiny brown chewy doll with distinct facial

Other kids on my block and in my school called these
chocolate candies "nigger babies."

Black children had to endure the stereotypes created by a
world in which there were still civil war survivors. Rosa
Parks had not yet taken her famous bus ride. Martin Luther
King had not yet had his dream.

The 1950s was a time in which Little Black Sambo was a
goodnight story many pre-schoolers were read before bed. I
can still remember the illustrations. There were no Dr.
Seuss or Shel Silverstein books to enlighten 6-year-olds.

One of the most popular comedy TV shows was Amos & Andy, and
the Jack Benny comedy show had a character, Rochester, who
was no role model of equality for children of African

Malcolm X and Jesse Jackson were still in school, and Al
Sharpton had not yet offended his first white brother.

Fifty years later, the world has changed, and much of the
physical, and psychological slavery imposed upon those with
black skin has disappeared. We still have some work to do,
of course, but things in America have changed so that
opportunities for all people of all color have merged
twenty-first century America into a melting pot of many
cultures and races. Our national motto, from many into one,
E pluribus unum, is now a matter of national pride and

This is not so in the rest of the world.


There is an injustice, and the oppressed children of the
nation of Ivory Coast and adjacent terror-tories are being
sold into slavery to support one industry.


Hershey, Nestle, and Mars candy bar lovers have got to come
to terms with this one.

Most of the world's cocoa beans are grown on the more than
600,000 cocoa farms located in the nation of Ivory Coast.


Tens of thousands of children have been kidnapped from their
homes and sold into slavery. These children plant, pick,
bag, and carry the beans for plantation owners.

Lawrence T. Graham, president of the Chocolate Manufacturers
Association admits:

"The industry alone can't fix this. We're
dealing with a sovereign government."

Chocolate manufactures have known about slavery for many
years and have not done a thing about it. Perhaps it's now
time for consumers to act.


Milk chocolate is the weakness of American dieters. The
first ingredient is sugar. The second ingredient is milk.
The third ingredient is the cocoa bean, brought directly to
you upon the blood, sweat, and tears of children living in

With each bit of chocolate that melts in your mouth, you
also deliver allergenic proteins and bovine growth hormones
to your cells. With each bite of chocolate, you endorse the
world's greatest injustice.

Sneaker and clothing manufacturers have suffered the anger
of a buying public, who, aware of inequities, refuse to
support companies responsible for such abuse. Chavez led a
movement that exposed the plight of migrant workers.

Slavery takes this abuse of humans to a new level.

Chocolate consumers must be made aware that the purchase of
each candy bar continues to support the world's most
horrifying secret.

Chocolate milk drinkers of the world unite!

African American school children are the targets of dairy
industry marketing. Drink dairy or soy chocolate milk and
add fuel to a system that perpetrates slavery.

by Robert Cohen from

Thursday 18 March 2010

Yoga for Healing!

Researchers have learned recently that, besides relieving problem backs, yoga can provide help for people suffering from serious medical conditions—asthma and multiple sclerosis among them. If you have an acute injury such as a herniated disk, you still need to see a doctor, of course. But if you have a chronic condition, especially one that’s not responding to conventional care, read on.

Soothing an Aching Back
In research at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), School of Medicine, 21 people 60 or older started doing yoga twice weekly. The volunteers all had rounded upper backs, which can limit normal movement. A yoga regimen was sufficient to reduce their curvatures by 6 percent, increase their walking speeds by 8 percent, and improve their reaches by 18 percent. And many reported that yoga helped their balance. The UCLA study, published in the American Journal of Public Health, suggests that yoga produced an increase in overall strength and flexibility.

The most useful poses for students with back trouble are those that build strength and lengthen the back muscles as well as anchor the feet, such as standing mountain, triangle, and warrior I.

Relieving Wrist Pain
Approximately one in 10 Americans suffers from carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS), a painful condition in which swollen tendons pressure nerves in the wrist. Conventional remedies include immobilizing joints with splints or even surgery. But according to a review published last summer in the Annals of Family Medicine, yoga may be among the safest first-line treatments for people with mild symptoms.

The study that first got the attention of physicians, though, appeared in 1998 in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA). Researchers found that CTS sufferers who did Iyengar yoga (which stresses proper alignment) twice a week for 8 weeks boasted a fourfold improvement in grip strength and a twofold decrease in pain.

Helping You Breathe Easier
Traditional yogic practices, such as slow, steady breathing and relaxation, could prove a useful adjunct to standard treatment for asthmatics, according to research published in the British medical journal Thorax. In that 2002 study, some asthmatics took up meditation based on the Sahaja style of yoga, while control-group members were given relaxation and stress-management training. Findings suggest that practicing Sahaja yoga can yield small but discernible improvements in the “twitchiness” (hypersensitivity) of airways in asthmatics and may also reduce their anxiety.

Asthmatics should not use yoga as a substitute for conventional care, says Norman Edelman, MD, a spokesperson for the American Lung Association, but they can benefit from yoga’s relaxation techniques.

Fending Off MS Fatigue
A chronic, autoimmune disease, multiple sclerosis (MS) ravages the central nervous system. Yoga may be a key to easing one of its most frustrating symptoms: fatigue. Last June, the journal Neurology reported a study in which 6 months of weekly yoga classes significantly increased the stamina of people with MS.

Reducing Stress on the Heart
Yoga may help reduce your odds of heart disease. In a study published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, researchers in Timarpur, India, had 15 Army soldiers adopt a twice-daily yoga routine. The control group did other exercises, including stretches and slow running. After 3 months, the yoga group showed a significant drop in blood pressure; the control group didn’t.

These findings add to the work of pioneering researcher Dean Ornish, MD, who has demonstrated that yoga can help reduce stress-induced fight-or-flight hormones that contribute to high blood pressure and other heart disease risks.

Wednesday 10 March 2010


KIDS COUNT - Puerto Rico


There is a need to develop a common set of measurable and integrated facts and figures about the current status of Puerto Rico’s children. Preliminary research and data suggest that Puerto Rico has a number of pressing issues that currently affect children including:
# Poverty
# Poor educational outcomes
# Asthma and other health risks
# Child abuse and neglect
# Teenage pregnancy
# Adolescent drinking
# Youth suicide and homicide

The KIDS COUNT Puerto Rico project is an effort to address the information gap in order to improve the health, safety, education, economic security, and development of Puerto Rico's children. By providing policy-makers and citizens with benchmarks of child well-being, KIDS COUNT Puerto Rico seeks to enrich local and national discussions of ways to secure better futures for all our children.
KIDS COUNT – Puerto Rico Objectives:

To provide independent, credible, comprehensive information on Puerto Rico's children.
To provide information and strategies on "what works" and promote best practices that will improve indicators of child well-being.
To stimulate dialogue on children's issues and bring together individuals and organizations to develop strategies and solutions to improve children's lives.
To promote information-based advocacy efforts to affect public policies and programs for the improvement of children's lives.
To facilitate the sharing of a common vision of the future of Puerto Rico’s children.

KIDS COUNT – Puerto Rico Database

KIDS COUNT Data Center brings together community-level data of United States jurisdictions for more than 100 measures of child and youth well-being. The Data Center provides data collected by the KIDS COUNT — Puerto Rico Project at the Island-wide and municipio level. It allows users to create custom reports and access profiles, rankings, maps, trend graphs, and raw data by topic.

Access Puerto Rico's KIDS COUNT Data Center


KIDS COUNT - Puerto Rico


There is a need to develop a common set of measurable and integrated facts and figures about the current status of Puerto Rico’s children. Preliminary research and data suggest that Puerto Rico has a number of pressing issues that currently affect children including:
# Poverty
# Poor educational outcomes
# Asthma and other health risks
# Child abuse and neglect
# Teenage pregnancy
# Adolescent drinking
# Youth suicide and homicide

The KIDS COUNT Puerto Rico project is an effort to address the information gap in order to improve the health, safety, education, economic security, and development of Puerto Rico's children. By providing policy-makers and citizens with benchmarks of child well-being, KIDS COUNT Puerto Rico seeks to enrich local and national discussions of ways to secure better futures for all our children.
KIDS COUNT – Puerto Rico Objectives:

To provide independent, credible, comprehensive information on Puerto Rico's children.
To provide information and strategies on "what works" and promote best practices that will improve indicators of child well-being.
To stimulate dialogue on children's issues and bring together individuals and organizations to develop strategies and solutions to improve children's lives.
To promote information-based advocacy efforts to affect public policies and programs for the improvement of children's lives.
To facilitate the sharing of a common vision of the future of Puerto Rico’s children.

KIDS COUNT – Puerto Rico Database

KIDS COUNT Data Center brings together community-level data of United States jurisdictions for more than 100 measures of child and youth well-being. The Data Center provides data collected by the KIDS COUNT — Puerto Rico Project at the Island-wide and municipio level. It allows users to create custom reports and access profiles, rankings, maps, trend graphs, and raw data by topic.

Access Puerto Rico's KIDS COUNT Data Center

Wednesday 3 March 2010

THE 5 Foods to Eat everyday!

Eating right on a budget can be a challenge, but it's certainly not impossible. Consider this your cheat sheet to the 5 inexpensive foods you should eat everyday for optimum health.

#1 Leafy greens
Medical experts call them one of nature's miracle foods. Leafy greens like Swiss chard and kale are high in nutrients like folate and vitamins A and C that can lower your risk of cancer. Just one cup of dark, leafy greens a day could also prevent diabetes and high blood pressure.

#2 Nuts
Many nutritionists recommend nuts like almonds, cashews and walnuts because they're high in natural fiber. Fiber slows your digestive process, keeping hunger and unhealthy mid-afternoon snacks at bay. Goodbye vending machine runs!

#3 Onions
Studies show that consuming onions on a regular basis may reduce symptoms of asthma and the risk of developing stomach cancer. Add them to soups and stir-fry, and just remember -- the stronger the onion, the greater the health benefit.

#4 Whole grains
Refined grains, like white rice and pasta, have lost 90% of their nutritional value through the refining process. As if that weren't reason enough to choose whole grains like brown rice, quinoa and whole oats, a recent study showed that a diet rich in whole grains actually flattens your belly by reducing fat storage in your lower abdominal region.

#5 Yogurt
Making yogurt part of your daily eating routine can improve your digestion -- if you're buying the right stuff. Check that the label lists "active cultures" to make sure you're getting healthy probiotics, and pick a yogurt rich in vitamin D to prevent osteoporosis.

Thanks for watching Real-Life Makeover! Tune in next week with more simple solutions to enrich your life.


How to fast

First of all, for reasons given on the Why Fasting? page, I do not
recommendwater-fasting, and while juice-fasting I do not recommend
fasting for more than3 days without supervision. In preparation for our
first day of fasting, we maywant to take a few days to eliminate some
foods or habits from our diet.Eliminating alcohol, nicotine, sugar and
caffeine if possible is very helpful.

Intake of most nutritional supplements can alsobe stopped the day
before fasting. Supplements are usually not recommendedduring a fast.
Many people do well by preparing for their fasts with 3 or 4days of
consuming only fruits and vegetables.These foods nourish and slowly
detoxify the body so that the actual fastingwill be less intense.
Start with a 1-day fast

The first 1-day fast (actually 36 hours, including the nights - from 8
p.m. one night until 8 a.m. the following day) givesus a chance to see
what a short fast can be like, to see that this is not sodifficult and
doesn't cause any major distress.
Most people will feel a little hungry at times and may experience a few
mildsymptoms - such as a headache or irritability - by the end of the
day, but thisdepends on the person and their state of toxicity.
Usually, the first 2 days offasting are the hardest for most people.
Feeling great usually begins aroundday 3, therefore longer juice fasts
are really needed for the grand experience.
fasting and hunger

One of the problems with fasting is that it can be the most difficult
for thosewho need it the most, such as the regular 3-square-meals-
plus-snacks/ dayconsumers who eat whenever and whatever they want.
Often these people muststart with more subtle diet changes and prepare
even more slowly for fasting.

A transition plan which can be used before even going on the 1-day fast
is the1-meal-a-day plan. The one daily meal is usually eaten around
mid-afternoon.Water, fresh fruit or vegetable juices, and teascan be
eaten at other times. The one wholesome meal is not rich or
excessive.It can be a protein-vegetable meal, such as fish and
salad/steamed vegetables,or a starch-vegetable meal, such as brown rice
with mixed steamed greens,celery, carrots, and zucchini. People on this
plan start to detoxify slowly,lose a bit of weight, and after a few
days feel pretty sound. The chance of anystrong detoxification symptoms
developing, as might occur with fasting, isminimal with this type of
transition, and the actual fast, once begun, will behandled more
easily, too.

The goal then, is to move into a 1-day fast and then a few 2- and 3-day
fastswith 1 or 2 days between them when light foods and more raw
vegetables andfruits are consumed, and also provide fluids, soups,
juices, and a generallyalkaline cleansing diet. This way, we can
buildup to a 5 to 10-day fast.
Juice fasting provides nutrients to your body

Again I do not recommend a water fast. A juice fast is much easier for
mostpeople. The fresh juices of raw vegetables and fruits are what most
fastingclinics and practitioners recommend. The juices provide calories
and nutrientson which to function and build new cells, and also provide
important enzymescontained in these vital foods. (Food enzyme theories
are discussed at lengthin Dr. Edward Howell's book "Enzyme Nutrition")
Raw foods areconsidered the healing force in our diet because they
contain active enzymes,which are broken down once foods are cooked.
Many consider a raw-food diet themost healing and most nutritious diet.

For the begining faster, it is best to go slowly through the various
steps andto avoid being impatient or excessive so that we learn about
ourselves in theprocess. To do this, we need to make a plan and put it
into effect, observingor listening to our body and even keeping notes
in a journal. Get to reallyknow yourself. Then, once we have fasted
successfully, we could continue to do1-day fasts every week or a 3-day
fast monthly if we need them.
In general, diluted fresh juices of raw organic fruitsand vegetables
are best. Here you can use your imagination and createjuices which are
both healthy and delicious. You can get some ideas on my juicing
recipes page, but the possibilities areendless. You can also get some
solid knowledge on juicing in the juicing for health section, as well
as the juicingbooks page.
juice fasting
Cleasing the colon during fasting

Fasting clinics often suggest that enemas be used daily to help cleanse
thecolon, while fasting. With these, usually filtered water alone is
used to flushthe colon of toxins. Instructions on how to do an enema
can be found here.Although when fasting, replace the coffee with
filtered water only.

Herbal laxatives are commonly taken orally during fasting. These
includecascara sagrada, psyllium (in my opinion the best price on the
internet for ahigh quality psyllium supplement is hereicon),
sennaleaves and Licorice Root. The "saltwater flush" is useful forthose
who can tolerate it. A solution of 2 teaspoons of unrefined sea salt
isdissolved in a quart of warm filtered water (not distilled) and is
drunk firstthing in the morning on every other day throughout the fast
to flush the entireintestinal tract. Whatever colon cleansing methodis
used, keep in mind that regular cleansing of the colon and intestines
is akey component of healthy and stress-free fasting.

The amount of vegetable and fruit juice you drinkwill determine the
intensity of the cleansing. Drinking small amounts of juicesupplies
fewer calories, which increases the intensity of detoxification.
Themore intense the cleansing, the greater the discomfort. Juice
fasting allowsyou to have control over the process of elimination.
However, when the bodyenters a cleansing crisis due to toxins in the
blood, no amount of juice willeliminate the discomfort. You must wait
it out.
Breaking the fast

It is important to make a gradual transition back into our regular
diet, ratherthan just going out to dinner after a week-long fast.
Breaking a fast must beplanned and done carefully and slowly to prevent
creating symptoms andsickness. It is suggested that we take a few days
to move back into our diet,which is hopefully a new, more healthful
diet. Our digestive system has been atrest, so we need to go slowly and
chew our foods very well.

With juice fasting, it is easier to make the transition back into
foods. A rawor cooked low-starch vegetable, such as spinach or other
greens, can be used. Alaxative-type meal, such as grapes, or soaked or
stewedprunes, or cherries, can also be used to initiate eating, as it
isimportant to keep the bowels moving. Some experts say that the bowels
shouldmove within 2 to 3 hours after the first meal. If not, take an
enema. Somepeople may want to do a saltwater flush (drinking a quart of
water with 2teaspoons of unrefined sea salt dissolved in it) before
their first day of food.

However you make the transition from fasting to foods, go slowly, chew
well,and do not overeat or mix too many foods at a single meal. Simple
vegetablemeals, soups or salads can be used to start.
During fasting, it is essential to plan times to meditate, doing some
mildexercise, get fresh air and sunshine, clear our intestines, get
massages, takearomatherapy mineral baths, clean our house, brush our
teeth, and more. One ofmy favorite sources for essential oils
andmassage oils is Goodluck with your fasts and let me know
about your experiences!